Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What Minerals in Tap Water? Facts About Why Mineral Water is Essential to Health

Let me tell you a quick story. I used to use a reverse osmosis filtration system in my home. I didnt realize that it was stripping the minerals from my water in addition to contaminants. Drinking de-mineralized water eventually took a toll on my health. I started to develop multiple mineral deficiencies and finally I figured out the connection between the deterioration of my health and my water filter. So what minerals are in tap water that we need to stay healthy?

Naturally, water contains trace minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals are necessary in order to maintain overall good health. Water filtration systems like distillation and reverse osmosis remove these beneficial minerals. However, drinking tap water without filtering it first is not a good idea either since it contains very harmful chemicals such as chlorine and lead.

So what minerals are in tap water and what happens when we drink water stripped of them? Drinking de-mineralized water can lead to multiple mineral deficiencies because it contains a lot of hydrogen and has a pH below 7, making it an acid. Your body tries to neutralize the acid by pulling minerals from your teeth and bones, hence leading to mineral deficiencies.

Another problem that occurs when your body lacks what minerals are in tap water is the fact that it starts to produce more free radicals. The increase in free radical production leads to an increased risk of cancer. Studies show that the people who live the longest, most disease-free lives in the world have access to a clean, mineral-rich water supply.

So how can we benefit from what minerals are in tap water without being exposed to the harmful chemicals it contains? Its important to find the proper water filtration device for this purpose. You need to use a carbon filter, which removes t he harmful toxins without removing the beneficial trace minerals. Avoid distillers and reverse osmosis units, which produce de-mineralized water. Moreover, these two systems are not effective at removing both organic and synthetic contaminants.

Do yourself a favor and invest in a carbon home water filter. They are the best protection available against the harmful toxins in tap water and they dont remove what minerals are in tap water. We need to drink minerals in order to stay healthy and disease-free. By using a carbon home water filter, you can get rid of the bad stuff from tap water without sacrificing the good stuff.

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