Friday, July 11, 2014

Constipation Home Remedies

To masturbate means to stimulate yourself in a sexual way. This can be done by hand, or with sex aids some extremely-sexed women can still do it by rubbing their thighs together.

And a tiny alternative of women can do it with no genital contact at all, but simply from side to side caress their breasts.
Exfoliation process is important for getting beautiful and glowing skin. Try to use a good quality and a gentle exfoliating product such as soap, scrub, cream or a liquid face and body wash. If you are suffering from a dry skin problem then you need to use a good quality Aloe Vera based cream, in order to give your skin, some extra doses of moisture.The best skin creams will also contain ingredients that protect from further damage, such as powerful antioxidants like Coenzyme Q10. You'll also want to search for natural ingredients, and those that have been clinically proven in scientific trials to product real results. Any company can pay for advertising a nd can talk up their product, but I prefer only selecting products from companies that have also invested in scientific research. So what are the important ingredients to look for in trying to restore healthy glowing skin? Cynergy TK is a natural form of keratin that has been shown to restore collagen and elastin. In fact, studies showed an improvement of 42% in elasticity over a period of 18 days. This is an all natural product that is entirely safe, and really seems to work.

All such natural products must be combined with the usage of the right vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a healthy skin. Vitamin B is one that must be consumed as it contains large amount of stimulants that will provide the body with the collagen content it requires. Other vitamins for healthy skin include vitamin A and C. These are vital as they help in producing a skin with the right amounts of glow reducing signs of aging.
There are many medicines that can be purchased for relief, but natural constipation home remedies can offer relief without side effects. In this article you will discover three home remedies that will take care of the constipation.Constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome, characterized by a combination of constipation and abdominal discomfort and/or pain. Medical authorities accept wide variations in toilet frequency as long as this does not cause any other symptoms. Defecating depends on dietary habits, exercise, fluid intake, and various other factors.As a replacement for one of the fruits that ought to be added to the diet are figs. Well accepted throughout time as one of the constipation home remedies, figs can be soaked overnight in water and be prepared for breakfast the next morning. You can also consume figs as the basis for a homemade blended drink. Simply toss in three or four figs, add some oat milk and some prune juice and blend it all. This is an excellent drink that when taken regularly for a few days will usually help to relieve constipation.

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Thursday, July 10, 2014

What Is Constipation And Constipation Home Remedies

The basic reason of constipation is almost forever poor eating habits. Constipation also signifies the inability of your intestines to execute their purpose due to poor quantity of fiber in your food.
These bad habits of eating have fallouts for your body that reach beyond a simple uneasiness. In fact what goes inside your abdomen can have far reaching penalty for your body and can cause such serious disease like cancer and heart troubles.

Symptoms of Constipation: -

Stress or other emotional disturbances.
Lack of regular exercise or physical activity.
The aging process.
Excess use of laxatives.
Lack of fiber or hydrating fluids, such as water.
Specific food choices.
Eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia.
Common colds or the flu.
Side effects of prescription medications, including anything with codeine.
Genetic inclination due to family history.

There are several natural methods for constipation and bloating relief. Constipation is directly associated with what you eat. So, if your diet is proper, the chances of have it is nil. A fiber rich diet is the most general remedy. Fiber retains water in the stools and also increase the size of it as this can lead to their easy passage. A fiber rich diet also helps in the swelling of good bacteria. Psyllium is high in soluble fiber and irresistible psyllium with large amount of water alleviates constipation.
Constipation is, simply put, an inability to move your bowels. The body is designed so that waste products will move quickly through the system, and out of the body. Although several things can be the cause of it, the root cause is a lack of moisture in your digestive system, and water is the main cure for that.

Home Remedies for Constipation: -

Eating more fruits and vegetables also helps fight constipation. They contain substance that remove toxins and help them be rosy out of the digestive system.
Fiber - A key to fighting constipation is to increase your fiber intake. It helps create soft, bulky stools that are easy to expel. Beans, whole grains and cereals as wells as fresh fruits and leafy vegetables are foods that are rich in fiber. These vegetables include cabbage, Brussels sprouts and carrots.
Drinking water, which has been kept overnight in a copper vessel in the morning with empty stomach, will give immediate relief from c onstipation. - Good home remedy for constipation.
Grapes have laxative properties and prevent chronic constipation. Dry grapes are helpful in preventing constipation. Soak dry grapes in a vessel overnight and take this at early morning in an empty stomach.
Papayas are a good source of fiber. Its fiber is able to keep cancer-causing toxins in the colon away from the healthy colon cells. Those who are experience constipation or at risk of colon cancer should consider taking more papaya.
Go for natural foods rather than processed foods to prevent and fight constipation. This means choosing fresh vegetables and fruits rather than those that are canned or have preservatives in them. Fresh fruits and vegetables mean having all the important nutrients and fibers intact.

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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Constipation Home Remedy

Constipation refers to infrequent or hard stools, or difficulty passing stools. Constipation is determined in the colon (large intestine), which is responsible for packaging and eliminating stool. Some people think they are constipated if they do not have a bowel movement every day. However, normal stool elimination may be three times a day or three times a week, depending on the person. Constipation is a symptom, not a disease. Almost everyone experiences constipation at some point in their life, and a poor diet typically is the cause. Most constipation is temporary and not serious. Constipation may involve pain during the passage of a bowel movement, inability to pass a bowel movement after straining or pushing for more than 10 minutes, or no bowel movements after more than 3 days. Infants who are still exclusively breastfed may go 7 days without a stool. Constipation can also alternate with diarrhea. This pattern is more commonly considered as part of the irritable bowe l syndrome (IBS). At the extreme end of the constipation spectrum is fecal impaction, a condition in which stool hardens in the rectum and prevents the passage of any stool.

Constipation also may make you feel bloated or sluggish or experience discomfort or pain. Constipation is most common in children and older people, and affects women more than men. Constipation in children can lead to soiling (enuresis and encopresis). Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal complaints in the United States. More than 4 million Americans have frequent constipation, accounting for 2.5 million physician visits a year. Older people are 5 times more likely than younger people to develop constipation. But experts believe that older people become too concerned with having a daily bowel movement and that constipation in this age group is overestimated. Constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome, characterized by a combination of constipation and abdominal discomfort and/or pain. Medical authorities accept wide variations in toilet frequency as long as this does not cause any other symptoms. Defecating depends on dietary habits, exercise, fluid intake, and various other factors.
Most common causes of constipation are a diet low in fiber or a diet high in fats, such as cheese, eggs, and meats. Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis. Dyschezia syn(usually the result of suppressing defecation). Constipation occurs when the colon absorbs too much water or if the colon's muscle contractions are slow or sluggish, causing the stool to move through the colon too slowly. As a result, stools can become hard and dry. As food moves through the colon, the colon absorbs water from the food while it forms waste products, or stool. Muscle contractions in the colon then push the stool toward the rectum. By the time stool reaches the rectum it is solid, because most of the water has been absorbed. Treatment of Constipation-Children and adults should get enough fiber in their diet. Vegetables, fresh fruits, dried fruits, and whole wheat, bran, or oatmeal cereals are excellent sources of fiber. To reap the benefits of fiber, drink ple nty of fluids to help pass the stool.

Constipation Home Remedy Tips

1.Drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bed helps in easy evacuation in the morning. In case of severe constipation, mix two teaspoons of castor oil in the milk.

2.Take 10 12 calimyma figs and stew them in two glasses of distilled water (16 oz) for 10 minutes. Let them sit in this water overnight.

3.Spinach is a perfect vegetable oriented home remedy for constipation. The best is to eat it raw or else you can go in for 100 ml spinach juice mixed with an equal quantity of water and drink it twice in a day.

4.Drink one liter of warm water and walk around for a few minutes immediately after waking up early in the morning.

5.Bael fruit works wonders in treating constipation. Consume the fruit everyday for about 2-3 months.

6.Drinking lemon juice mixed with warm water two to three times a day eases constipation.

7.One or two teaspoons of aloe gel can be taken twice a day.

8.You can also use watered down Karo syrup or watered down prune juice in a bottle.

9.A common Ayurvedic medicine for constipation is Triphala Churna. It is a powder made by grinding three kinds of herbs. A teaspoon of this powder taken with warm water or milk at the time going to bed is beneficial.

10.Guava is another effective remedy for constipation. When eaten with seeds, it provides roughage to the diet and helps in the normal evacuation of the bowels. One or two guavas should be taken everyday.

11.Grapes have proved very beneficial in overcoming constipation. The combination of the properties of the cellulose, sugar, and organic acid in grapes make them a laxative food.

12.Mix 2 tsp husk seed (Isabgol) in 1/2 a cup of hot milk and drink immediately. Drink one cup of plain milk to follow.

13.The most important factor in curing constipation is a natural and simple diet. This should consist of unrefined foods such as wholegrain cereals, bran, honey, lentils, green and leafy vegetables, fresh and dry fruits, and milk products in the form of butter, ghee, and cream.

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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Constipation Home Remedies

If you have constipation often the best place to start looking for constipation home
remedies is to look at your diet. Constipation is no joke and it can mean a painful effort to try and open the bowels and even more of an ordeal to pass a stool. I can attest to that because if I don't watch what I eat specially dairy products, I have a hard time when I go to the bathroom.
What you should understand before you take a closer look at your diet is that there is no 'normal' where individuals are concerned. One person may easily open their bowels once a day and another every third day, it doesn't mean the latter has a problem. It simply means that our bodies naturally find the frequency that is right for us. However, if you find that you are struggling and it is painful to pass a stool when you want to, then you are probably constipated.
If you are struggling with constipation then you should take quick steps to find out what is causing it and what you can do to stop it before it manifests into something more problematic. As stated, diet plays a huge role in our ability to have regular soft bowel movements and so it's crucial to always remember that what we put into our bodies has an effect on what does, or doesn't, come out of our bodies.
Aim for a diet that is rich in fiber. That means eating plenty of fruits and vegetables a good indicator is always to have at least the recommended five portions a day. If you are suffering from chronic constipation, then you can even start making your own juices and drinking your fruits as one way towards a more refreshing constipation home remedies. Some really useful fruits to eat to relieve constipation are dates, figs and mangoes for vegetables try potatoes, corn and leafy green vegetables.
What should also be added to the diet are wholegrain foods. These include breads, rice and cereals. Eating wholegrain foods means that you add roughage to your diet which is what the body needs to keep the bowels healthy. Healthy bowels means relief from constipation.
Nuts in general are another great addition when you're looking for constipation home
remedies. Nuts will also add the much needed fiber and roughage to the diet but eating one particular nut, walnut, is a great way to help relieve constipation. If you can get them fresh, then that's the way to eat them.
As far as all the constipation home remedies go, what you should of course make sure of, is that you're drinking plenty of water, roughly around 8 glasses per day. Water will keep you well hydrated, flush your system and make your stools softer and easier to pass.

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Monday, July 7, 2014

Constipation Home Remedies It Starts With Your Diet

The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the subject of constipation home remedies is certainly no exception.

I trust that what you've read so far has been informative. The following section should go a long way toward clearing up any uncertainty that may remain.

If you have constipation often the best place to start looking for constipation home remedies is to look at your diet. Constipation is no joke and it can mean a painful effort to try and open the bowels and even more of an ordeal to pass a stool. What you should understand before you take a closer look at your diet is that there is no 'normal' where individuals are concerned. One person may easily open their bowels once a day and another every third day, it doesn't mean the latter has a problem. It simply means that our bodies naturally find the frequency that is right for us. However, if you find that you are str uggling and it is painful to pass a stool when you want to, then you are probably constipated.
If you are struggling with constipation then you should take quick steps to find out what is causing it and what you can do to stop it before it manifests into something more problematic. As stated, diet plays a huge role in our ability to have regular soft bowel movements and so it's crucial to always remember that what we put into our bodies has an effect on what does, or doesn't, come out of our bodies.

Aim for a diet that is rich in fiber. That means eating plenty of fruits and vegetables a good indicator is always to have at least the recommended five portions a day. If you are suffering from chronic constipation, then you can even start making your own juices and drinking your fruits as one way towards a more refreshing constipation home remedies. Some really useful fruits to eat to relieve constipation are dates, figs and mangoes for vegetables try potatoes, corn and leafy green vegetables.

What should also be added to the diet are wholegra in foods. These include breads, rice and cereals. Eating wholegrain foods means that you add roughage to your diet which is what the body needs to keep the bowels healthy. Healthy bowels means relief from constipation.

Nuts in general are another great addition when you're looking for constipation home remedies. Nuts will also add the much needed fiber and roughage to the diet but eating one particular nut, walnut, is a great way to help relieve constipation. If you can get them fresh, then that's the way to eat them. As far as all the constipation home remedies go, what you should of course make sure of, is that you're drinking plenty of water, roughly around 8 glasses per day. Water will keep you well hydrated, flush your system and make your stools softer and easier to pass.

This article's coverage of the information is as complete as it can be today. But you should always leave open the possibility that future research could uncover new facts.

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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Constipation Home Remedies and Natural Cure for Constipation

Constipation is one of the most ordinary digestive complaints in the United States.

The normal frequency of bowel actions varies widely from person to person, from once or more a day to three times a week. In general, though, you are likely constipated if you pass a hard, dry stool less than three times a week.

Constipation can also make you feel stuffed and sore and you may find yourself straining during bowel movements.

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Although constipation can affect anyone, it's more widespread in women and in people over age 65. It also tends to occur during pregnancy, after childbirth or surgery, with certain medications such as opioid pain relievers, and with some circumstances such as multiple sclerosis.

Constipation is from time to time the sign of a larger problem within the digestive system and hence it cannot be ignored. Therefore, if constipation lasts for severa l days, then it should be definitely brought to the notice of the doctor.

However, for treating mild cases of constipation, there are more than a few effective home remedies. The following is a list of all the helpful remedies that are effectual in curing constipation:-

Apples are very good fruits to cure constipation evils. If you have continuous problems in passing stools, or if your stomach is extra-sensitive to heavy foods, then you must eat one apple each morning.
Constipation Treatment

1. Honey: This ingredient is often second-hand as a natural and milk laxative, if consumed with warm water. Most people drink warm water with a teaspoon of honey, up to three times a day, for maximum benefits.

In case of harsh constipation which cannot be cured, with pain honey and water, adding a teaspoon or either apple cider vinegar or blackstrap molasses may be recommended.

2. Beans: Legumes as well as dried beans like black beans, lima beans, navy beans, red beans and pinto beans are very high in fiber, which soften the stools. Beans should be well cooked, for them to reduce constipation and other digestive problems.

3. Sesame seeds: Consuming half an small amount of sesame seeds, followed by water is a great way of adding bulk to the stools and softening them, which makes elimination much easier.

4. Yogurt: Man y people also cure constipation with yogurt, since it contains probiotics, which is good for the entire digestive tract.

Natural Remedies for Constipation

Prunes: Prunes or dried plums are nature's remedy for constipation. Snack up on prune or drink a glass of prune juice first thing in the morning and another one at bed time.

You will find that you are free from constipation within a few hours. You can also try eating apple juice in between for faster results.

Papayas: Papaya is a well known laxative that has been hailed as a constipation cure for ages. The best effect of papaya as a natural constipation cure is achieved when it is joint with fresh or dried figs. Take a breakfast of half a papaya and five to six figs and say goodbye to constipation.

Spinach: Spinach is nature's storehouse of helpful vitamins and minerals. Drink half a glass of spinach juice extracted from fresh raw leaves with half a glass of water twic e a day for two to three days.

Apart from getting an all in all better constitution, you will find that this is the home remedy to tackle even the most severe cases of constipation.

Oranges: Orange juice is acknowledged to increase peristaltic activity (the contraction of muscles in the colon, which helps in bowel society), and drinking loads of freshly squeezed orange juice is an easy and tasty way of fighting constipation.

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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Constipation Home Remedies and Natural Cures That Work

Constipation is a condition related to the passing of hard stool, difficulty or straining while passing stool, infrequent stools and a feeling of incomplete evacuation or emptying of bowel. Constipation is characterized by fecal impaction which is a condition in which stool hardens in the rectum, blocking completely the passage way. Constipation can also occur as a part of IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. Normally bowel movement decreases with age, and is limited to 21 times a week. When this rate falls to less than three bowel movements per week, the condition is recognized as constipation medically. In case of severe constipation, the patient moves bowel only one time per week.

Constipation causes the level of toxins to rise in the blood stream, and in the long run may lead to diseases like appendicitis, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, cataract and even cancer. Slow passage of digesting food through any part of intestine is the prominent cause of constipation. Also suppressing urge to defecate frequently, taking a diet with low fiber content, insufficient intake of water, lack of physical activity, insufficient chewing, abdominal muscle weakness due to sedentary habits, over use of laxatives, hormonal imbalances may lead to constipation.

1. Abdominal pain
2. Infrequent and irregular stool passage
3. Rectal bleeding
4. Cramps
5. Nausea
6. Vomiting
7. Coated tongue
8. Foul breath
9. Mouth ulcers
10. Acidity
11. Insomnia
12. Depression
13. Feeling of fullness in abdomen
14. Headache
15. Dizziness
16. Loss of appetite
17. Dark circles under eyes
18. pimples
19. Sudden loss of weight

Constipation Home Remedies

Following are some of the effective and useful natural remedies to cure constipation.

1. Regular consumption of bael fruit for two or three months is an excellent remedy for treating constipation. Bael is a natural laxative that effectively cleanses and tones up the intestine, and also eliminates accumulated faecal matter from the body.

2. The organic acid, cellulose and sugar content in grapes make it an effective la xative for overcoming constipation.

3. Papaya and figs and dry figs soaked in water over night may be consumed to get relief from constipation.

Hope this article will help you in understanding the causes and symptoms of constipation and how to cure it naturally.

Copyright Ryan Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article.

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Friday, July 4, 2014

Constipation Natural Remedies and Home Treatment

Everyone who has suffered from constipation knows the pain and discomfort he has got from this annoying condition. Most of the people don't want to talk about this problem to others. In this article you will find some easy and effective natural remedies for constipation.

Constipation Home Remedies

Below are some of the commonly used home remedies for relieving constipation. These home remedies are natural and relieve pain, discomfort and embarrassment.

1. Mix a teaspoon of clarified butter (ghee) in a cup of warm milk and take this at bedtime regularly for some days. This is very effective home remedy for constipation.

2. Take one teaspoon gulkand (sweet rose jelly) twice, along with warm water. Gulkand is made primarily of rose petals.

3. Mix one to two teaspoon of pure castor oil with warm milk and take it at bedtime. This is another useful home remedy for constipation.

4. Take 3 to 5 grams of the powder of chebulic myrobalan or harad along with warm water to get relief from constipation.
5. Take equal amounts of turmeric powder and black salt along with warm water after meals. This is very useful remedy for constipation and gas problems.

6. Suppression of natural urge of passing stools despite pressure is a very common cause of constipation. So never suppress the natural urge.

7. Foods rich in high fiber such as drumstick, carrot, dry peas and spinach are helpful in preventing constipation.

8. Highly spicy food hampers the digestive system. So avoid such foods.

9. Make thin bread (chapatti) of wheat (two parts) and roasted black gram powder (one part), along with their husk for increased fiber, ensuring normal defecation.

10. Do not indulge in some other activities like watching television while having food. This will disturb your digestion process.

11. Indigestion sometimes leads to constipation and other digestive problems. Therefore, chew your meal slowly to digest properl y.

12. Walk for at least 30 minutes both morning and evening. Also involve in physical activities and use stairs instead of lifts.

13. Sit in vajrasana for a short period in the beginning. Start by sitting on your heels. Slowly move your legs sideways, until your bottom is resting on the floor. Put your hands on your knees. This asana is good for people suffering from constipation and hemorrhoids (piles). It ensures good digestion.

Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the hypertension home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products or ingredients if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the website or the writer.

Copyright Ryan Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Constipation Home Remedy Solutions To Improve Your Regularity

Are you looking for long-term constipation home remedy solutions that will promote digestive health and regularity?

Constipation is not only uncomfortable and painful, but it is also very unhealthy. However, laxatives can cause dehydration, hinder the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, and create a dependency on harsh stimulates for constipation relief. Natural, drug free remedies will provide a permanent solution that will solve your constipation issues and help prevent future problems.

Natural remedies are often less expensive than traditional laxatives, with many being available at your local supermarket or health center.

Exercise: A sedentary lifestyle is associated with a slower metabolism and a sluggish digestive system. By simply walking or jogging for a hour a day you can stimulate natural bowel contraction, promote regularity, and prevent constipation. And, unless you prefer to purchase a health club membership, exercise is absolutely free! Regular activity can help reduce the time it takes for food to travel through the intestines which will also lower the amount of water being absorbed and ease the movement of matter through the digestive tract. Water: Dehydration is one of the most common reasons for constipation. Your body is 50-65% water, and keeping it replenished is essential to assist in digestion and prevent dehydration. Water acts as a lubricant for the digestive tract, helping to facilitate the movement of food and flush the colon. Papaya: Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is important to regularity and digestive health. Although kiwi, figs, and lemons are also very effective, papaya is one of the best sources of fiber, offering a gentle constipation treatment. Papaya extract is often used in digestive aids as it contains a component known as papain which helps with the digestion of proteins. Psyllium Seed: Insufficient amounts of dietary fiber is a main cause of constipation, and adding fiber to your diet through supplements or wiser food choices is one of the best long-term home remedy solutions. Psyllium is a good source of soluble fiber which promotes bowel regularity and improves digestive health. Available in seed or powder form, it is easy to sprinkle on cereal, stir into soup, or add to your favorite recipes. Psyllium can also be taken as a supplement through capsules or products such as Metamucil. It is important to remember that you must drink plenty of water since psyllium is a bulk forming product and can have a reverse effect if insufficient liquid is consumed. Flax: Also high in dietary fiber, ground flax protects and cleans the digestive tract, relieving and protecting against constipation. Flax oil also acts as a lubricant for the intestines and promotes a healthy colon. Added to food or taken on its own, flax is an ideal remedy that also offers many other health benefits for your body. Fennel Seeds: When consumed after a meal, fennel stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes, lessens the time it takes for food to move through the digestive tract, and prevents constipation. Castor Oil: This is one of the oldest constipation home remedy solutions, and is still used today because it really works. Taking 1-2 teaspoons on an empty stomach will act as a bowel stimulant to purge the colon. Castor oil also helps to prevent the absorption of water from the intestines which increases the amount of fluid in the bowel and prevents constipation.

An unhealthy digestive system can lead to many other health problems, so finding effective constipation home remedy solutions will not only relieve discomfort and improve regularity, but can also protect against other illnesses and diseases.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Summary And Review of What Women Want: The Global Market Turns Female Friendly by Paco Underhill

Executive Summary

PACO UNDERHILL, the author, reports on the growing importance of women in everybody's marketplace and what makes a package, product, space, or service "female friendly." Underhill offers a tour of the world's marketplace with insightful observations and practical applications to help everybody adapt to the new realities. As large numbers of women become steadily wealthier, more powerful, and more independent, their choices and preferences are transforming our commercial environment in a variety of important ways, from the cars we drive to the food we eat; from how we buy and furnish our homes to how we gamble, play, and use the Internet in short, how we spend our time and money. Underhill examines how a woman's role as homemaker has evolved into homeowner and what women look for in a home. How the home gym and home office are linked to the women's health movement and home-based businesses. Why the refrigerator has trumped the stove as the crucial appliance. How every major h otel chain in the world has redesigned rooms and services for the female business traveler. Why some malls, appealing to women, are succeeding while others fail. What women look for online and why some retail websites, like Amazon, attract women while other sites turn them off. Underhill explains that while men were busy doing other things, women were becoming a major social, cultural, and economic force. Women are wealthier, more powerful and more independent than ever.

Underhill explains that smart businesses are adapting to accommodate women a group that makes up more than half of their customers, in many cases. No business, he argues, can afford to ignore the power of women. No matter what the product in question cars, appliances, homes, hotels, restaurants, banks, homes, clothing retailers must focus on what women want. Businesses have already made changes to reflect womens desires.

Underhill believes those businesses that flourish will recognize the importance of womenin the marketplace. As our recent economic problems have shown, women have kept their jobs,while moremen have lost theirs in this recession. According to Underhill, "Approximately 70 percent of all American females work outside the home. Women dominate higher education we've changed the way people shop for groceries with the organic movement.

Underhill covers a great deal of ground in this book, from how hotels should be treating women, the changes in bathrooms and workout spaces to the dominance of women in social networking. With this book, it's essential to read the introduction, where he explains why he's writing this book. Traveling around the world, he sees "The expanded cultural, social, and economic influence of women." And, in every speech he delivers, he says, "We live in a world that is owned by men, designed by men, and managed by men - and yet we expect women to be active participants.

The Ten Things Managers Need to Know fromWhat Women Want

1.Todays female wants anything and everything to do with saving labor-shortening the time it takes to do with everything. For women starved for time, fast and easy does it.

2.Less is more for female shoppers, so the smaller and more focused a store is the more it will attract female shoppers. This enables them to get in and out in no time at all.

3.Density, and having everything available under one roof, becomes more attractive and alluring to customers while shopping in retail stores.

4.The female of the species likes and appreciates, or you might even say she demands, clean. For the majority of the worlds females, Am I in a clean environment? Is a vibe they pick up about every room in their retail establishment, every dressing room they try on clothing, every restaurant they dine in, every hotel room they sleep in, every health club they join, and every bathroom they enter.

5.Consider the difference between a DESIGNER LABEL IN BIG CAPITAL LETTERS versus a sign reading, This is where all the little black dresses are. The second option will always win with females because its clear and to the point. A typical female doesnt identify with a single designer. Shes just looking for a dress she likes that fits her.

6.There is a direct correlation between the success of a store and the number of female employees working on the floor. This issue is particularly evident because women trust women more and feel females are less likely to sell them something just for the sales commission.

7.Females are conscious of their own personal security in ways males really cant fathom, whether its the lighting levels in the lobby, the burned out bulb in the parking lot, or a hotel window that isnt locked. Safety may or may not be a design function, say, of a retail environment or a hotel, but the females desire to know that shes safe and sound does fit neatly into her needs.

8. While examining hotel rooms, the most important aspect females look for while traveling are the amenities they have to offer.

9.When designing websites appealing to females, they must have some entertainment value, purpose for being there, time and errand saving, and colors and interesting shapes also go a long way.

10. When designing stores, females will always go for a prototype store directly targeted for them. This entails an actual classroom space, a worktable, and chairs. The notion behind this is for females to be taught how to use technology.

Full Summary of What Women Want


Underhill starts his introduction with his famous quote, We live in a world that is owned by men, designed by men, and managed by men-and yet we expect women to be active participants in it. He asks what makes a package, product, space, design, or service female-friendly? In 2005, for the first time in history, young women under the age of thirty in the largest American cities overtook men in earning power. In New York City, for every guy pulling in a median salary of $30,560, an equivalent female was banking $35,653. This was the highest wages in the south. The increase in female earning power now parallels employment figures around the globe.

One of the things he found fascinating about traveling overseas is observing how gender differences show up in various countries. For instance, Brazil, the unemployment rates for men are much higher than they are for women. He observed, the more highly educated you are, the better chance you have of being successfully employed in a well paying job. Currently, 140 women are awarded bachelor degrees for every 100 in the United States. The number of females that have graduated has rose and have outpaced the number of male participants in secondary institutions.

He points out that women are making headway in their careers because of babies. After graduating women are in no hurry to pair up and settle down, which gives them time, space, momentum, and luxury to pursue a professional track and make good money. Women go above and beyond the natural occurrences of birth with things such as birth control and biology to manipulate when to we children. Women are almost in control of every aspect of life.

He also states that Cleanliness is a world that registers with women instantaneously. Issues of cleanliness play a natural, crucial role in female hygiene, child bearing, as well as in the acquisition and preparation of food. If men did the cleanliness habits of women daily, they would appreciate the level of cleanliness that most females live with and expect every day of their lives. Bottom line cleanliness matter to women most of all. Secondly, Control is a huge aspect of a womens life, as all men already know. For example, she has to drive, controls the heat and cool, plan trips, etc. Third, Safety is another big issue with women. Females are conscious of their own personal security in way most males really cant fathom. Lastly, Considerateness is a huge issue. This doesnt entail politeness, but about issues involving weight. At the end of the introduction, Underhill explains he is not a expert on gender issues but is only pointing out that, while men are busy doing other things, women are becoming a major, social, cultural, and economic force in the world.

Chapter 1: Housequake

When we were children our homes consist of two or three welcome steps, a door mat, floral wall paper, worn carpeting, and dads oversized recliner. We remember when the dining room was used just for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner or the occasional grandmother visit. The kitchen sat at the back of the house, the stove had gray hard coils, the counters were an ugly marshmallow color, and you couldnt even see where or how the fridge opened. Sure it was cramped, but it was home.

In todays marketplace, a house like that would probably not sell without being fixed up. Although the American house hasnt altered its basic design since the 1950s the homes are now readjusted to accommodate certain cultural and demographic realities. Nowadays home buyers are willing to giving up square footage in exchange for a house containing things they really use or in the location they really want. As the nuclear family gets smaller, we are now seeing multiple generations all living under one roof, grandkids in one wing, and grandparents in another. With more children living under one roof and living at home, having had a taste of the real world is making them want the security of their child home back again.

Chapter 2: Dont Phunk with my Heart

Chapter two starts out by talking about two decades ago when women might not have known kitchen stores existed. Today, a middle-class woman from the middle of the country not only knows about Williams-Sonoma, but has access to the latest bathroom and kitchen designs and fashions thanks to the Internet, magazines, and cable television.

Today for the contemporary female the kitchen is a place where she can wander among a showroom of gadgets, fixtures, and appliances. The kitchen most of us grew up in consist rooms where we grabbed a snack, ate, or packed a lunch. Now the 20th century would be considered the golden age of the kitchen. Goodbye garbage can; hello, trash disposal. Farewell oven; hello, microwave. And that was just the beginning.

The refrigerator has trumped the stove as the kitchens seminal appliance. Mom, Dad, and the children find their way to the fridge before any one even thinks about the stove. After the refrigerator comes the microwave. Things such as microwavable veggies, prewashed salads, and ready to eat meals have made the kitchen seem more over designed and less used than ever. In America we have seen more kitchen plans, such as kitchen that blend into dens or sprawling rooms simultaneously. Todays kitchens are all made and designed for saving time and labor. Everything seems to all be a short cut.

Chapter 3: Let Us Spray

For todays frazzled female, its the ultimate inner sanctum; the luxury day spa, minus the attendants, the hiking trails, or any obligation to tip the staff. If she has children, its the one space in her house where she can be truly glorious alone and private. Best of all the bathroom has shed its historical associations as a vaguely shameful destination that no women wanted to be observed visiting. Thanks to women, the bathroom has come a long way from its humble origins.

The present day master bathrooms have become a space where fantasy, luxury, and self regard collude in a mist of steam, fragrance, and candlelight. The bathroom is now a transition from the bathroom as a utilitarian fixture to an oasis of self renewal. Not long ago, most bathrooms lacked electrical appliances.

The fact is females have elevated not just the contemporary kitchen, but the bathroom, into places that both recognize and salute their status. Todays bathrooms are driven by the notes and touches installed by hotel and restaurant designers and architects. For instance in Hong Kong, men urinate against a glass wall overlooking the city. The bare minimum for todays high end bathroom is a spa tub of some kind which is more popular than the bathroom.

Chapter 4: Nice Work If You Can Get It

Chapter four looks at the home office. When we were young the office was a boxy, airless place, crowded with extraneous of mom and dad stuff. Clumsy gray file cabinets that had fallen apart still lie on the floor, a Singer sewing machine, or maybe a record player. In 2005, the office topped the homeowners requests as part of the design of their homes. The home office was now an element of the American home.

Whether the female of the house has a full or part time job, the home office and the computer also function as a place where the contemporary woman can surf the Internet. Underhill did some research on what makes a website appealing to females. For one, it has to have some entertainment value. It should also acknowledge what the purpose of being there is in the first place. From the standpoint of web design ongoing maintenance goes a long way. Another element common the female friendly user is the creation of the environment. Another element has to do with time-and-errand saving.

Chapter 5: We Can Work It Out

Now Chapter 5 leads us to the athletic club, not to work out, just to observe. Fortunately for both genders, the contemporary gym has become all about multitasking. Not only is there an overhead TV throughout, but the most desirable treadmills have small television screens built right into them. Attired with headphones, you can jog in place while watching Regis and Kelly. You can also use the stair master while listening to your iPod. Maybe the athletic club brought in all this gadgetry when it realized it had a serious competitor, the female, in the gym. This is because many females have devoted a room in their house to wellness.

Women fulfill a multitude of roles across all societies. After all, a great many people depend on her. The concept of a woman taking ninety minutes to tend to herself is a far more natural assumption than it is for a man. Men and women with high levels of education are far more likely to participate in sports or any kind of recreation. For women, the home gym has everything to do with being present, available, and in control while simultaneously doing something beneficial for them. The invention of the single or double jogging stroller where a new mother can get in her miles while the baby reclines and sleeps probably kicked off this trend.

Again, we have entered an era where females have embraced exercise. Recognizing this, more and more athletic clubs have accommodated themselves to the needs of time starved females, which promises and ninety minute workout in a thirty minute time frame. That said, if a female has her own home workout room, and the desire and money to hire a personal trainer its far easier to maintain a personal relationship in her own home than at a gym. A home gym is all about dedication to an idea, rather than a woman has to conform the issue of dedication itself. Whether or not a female opts to create a room of her own, the home exercise nook is one created with her mind.

Chapter 6: To Love, Honor, and Maintain

Chapter six moves to laboring saving devices and thanks to women the maintence of the house has gotten a whole lot more mechanical. From Julia Child to Martha Stewart, the past several decades have exposed American females to a guilt inducting gallery of we can do it, so can you? superwoman. Just as the birth of the department store in the 1860s exposed a typical middle class person to a selection of goods and services she could aspire to.

Chapter 7: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Chapter seven directs us to the hotel experience for women. Shes thirsty, tired, and for the past several hours shes been fantasizing about those crisp, white sheets await her once her plane touched down. What men and women look for in a hotel experience is a traveling snapshot of what men and women care about in their everyday lives. The only thing males notice about the hair dryer in the hotel bathroom are the aeronautics involved on how the designer got the dryer to mount to the wall. Women on the other hand, would notice the brand, voltage, and also how far the cord extends. She will also note the cleanliness of the room, lighting, temperature, color, flooring, and size. It goes to how firm the pillows are and whether or not she feels safe, emotionally, physically, and psychologically. Women notice this stuff. And many hotels, at least the smart ones, have recognized the power of the female, and are responding. It is safe to say by 2010, every major hotel chain in the wo rld has rechoreographed hotels and hotel services with the single female traveler in mind.

Chapter 8: The Female, Unplugged

Next, we are informed about the female in electronic store, Best Buy. A survey published said that nearly half of all electronic purchases in the United States are made by female shoppers. At the same time, they found women shy away from electronic stores where there is too much stuff to choose from, theres not enough personalized service, even if she manages to hunt down an employee knowledgeable enough to help her. So instead of physically shopping in Best Buy, many females go online instead. In the mall setting, we also noticed the direct correlation between have in increased about of female workers on the floor since there are mostly female shoppers in malls. This also works with men as they are always charmed by a lovely female face. This is because women trust women more. In Chicago Best Buy opened a female friendly store that showed women how to use every electronic in the store. This prompted them to buy more electronics because they were aware of how they worked.

Chapter 9: Women and Sin

In Chapter 9 Underhill looks at the escaping female and explores four stops along the way. The first stop is the American Casino. The casino industry was originally started by men but now a healthy chunk of the industry today is made up of females. Slot machines have become among the female friendly lures of the themed slot machines such as gilligans Island and I Dream of Jeannie. As the female has become the biggest money maker for the casino industry, the slot machine has become less about gambling and more about entertainment.

The business of exploiting the females precarious relationship with her and with her body and face is a multibillion dollar industry. Since 1997, there has been a 162 percent increase in the number of cosmetic procedures in the United States. Next, teeth whitening have also increased and so has the entire food and beverage industry has been influenced and increased by females. As mentioned earlier, the topic of cigarettes and women is in part linked to weight loss. Lastly, the female customer has also transformed the labels certain manufacturers affix to their wine bottles.

Chapter 10: The Empresss New Clothes

The next spot Underhill addresses is the department store and females interaction in it. The time squeezed contemporary female just doesnt have time to shop and gets lost in a department store and thats why the place is nearly empty. Needless to say, specialty stores are smaller and more focused. So in the twenty first century department stores are not closing they are just scaling back.

Chapter 11: Cmon a My Mall

A mall, largely driven by the female consumer, will someday become a complete solution for the contemporary woman. The female is looking for a safe form of escape which involves look at other people. Ideally, a mall should have some connection to the sky, a view out or upward, so her shopping experience isnt just inward. The modern mall needs to provide a far more comprehensive solution than it currently does. The mall has to allude to a place where a woman can get a key made, shoe repair, a plane ticket, and anything else that saves her time.

Chapter 12: Higher Ground

This next chapter talks about the marketplace or farmers market. Women have been the ones responsible for gathering food, preserving it, storing it and cooking it. Looking at it from a nutritional standpoint, women are still the domestic partners doing the majority of grocery shopping and household chores. The organic stuff is slightly more expensive than the sprinkler moistened produce ten yards away, but the market is obviously responding to the movement ignited by farmers markets and by associations females the desire to eat unsullied food, to invest locally in our farmers and tot fell as if we consumers have a personal stake in our cities and towns.

Chapter 13: Drugstores

Inside the modern day chain drugstore and he looks around to see how this place has adjusted itself to women, who make up more than 60 percent of a drugstores customer base. Drugstores are designed around he premise of the mission driven female as caregiver. Almost 65 percent of pharmacists coming out of pharmaceutical college are now female.

Chapter 14: See Me, Touch Me, Feel Me, Heal Me

From the beginning of time, women have been concerned with appearance. The definition of attractive in terms of body shape, may have morphed over time but the female focus on the face, the eyes, the lips, the skin tone, and fragrance crosses all geographical borders. Beauty has historically been a female art form, traditionally handed down from mother to daughter, sister to sister, or friend to friend.

Chapter 15: Almost Cut My Hair

This Chapter talks about females and hair. For the female under thirty, hair is a style and personality issue. Hairstyles are rewards, an end, and a beginning. Many women are known to cut their hair after a romantic break up. Our culture is more and more focused on natural, organic, and the environmentally conscientious. Roughly 60 percent of all adult American females have colored their hair in the past year. Ultimately a youth obsessed culture with an aging resisting baby boomer population many females fear the arrival of grays.

Chapter 16: Off the Wall

Chapter 16 talks about social networking including: Facebook and Twitter. Once female are on facebook, they are driven by creating and fostering relationships as opposed to transactions. Women facebookers tend to post their family photo albums, posts about their day to day lives, and even their pets.

The Video Lounge


This video is an interview with Paco Underhill and he talks about why women are the drivers in todays marketplace. He also mentions the psychology behind female marketing and why women are the dictators in the marketplace in the twenty first century.

Personal Insights

Why I think: What the author wrote is true in todays marketplace because although the world is primarily owned by men, designed by men, and managed by men we expect women to participate in it. Underhill reports on the growing importance of women in everybody's marketplace and what makes a package, product, space, or service "female friendly." As our recent economic problems have shown, women have kept their jobs,while moremen have lost theirs in this recession. Underhill offers a tour of the world's marketplace with insightful observations and practical applications to help everybody adapt to the new realities.

3.Lastly, I would have changed the way Underhill related topics to himself throughout the book.

3. Lastly, it made me think differently about why some things are designed the way they are and look to suit me, the female shopper.

1. Paying closer attention to detail and realizing why things are designed the way they are.

2. Opening my mind and eyes to the expanded cultural, social, and economic influence of women.

3. Realize that those businesses that flourish will recognize the importance of womenin the marketplace.

"What others have said about the book and its author?


Amazon [Customer Reviews]. (2010, July 20). Retrieved from /What-Women-Want-Marketplace-Friendly/dp/1416569952

Stevenson, Seth, Initials. (2010, July 14). Slate [Web log message]. Retrieved from /id/2260306/

Underhill, Paco, Initials. (2010). What women what the global market turns female friendly. New York: Simon & Schuster


Contact Info: To contact the author of this Summary and Review of What Women Want, please email Megan Malone at


David C. Wyld () is the Robert Maurin Professor of Management at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, Louisiana. He is a management consultant, researcher/writer, and executive educator. His blog, Wyld About Business, can be viewed at /. He also serves as the Director of the Reverse Auction Research Center (/), a hub of research and news in the expanding world of competitive bidding. Dr. Wyld also maintains compilations of works he has helped his students to turn into editorially-reviewed publications at the following sites:

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READ MORE - Summary And Review of What Women Want: The Global Market Turns Female Friendly by Paco Underhill

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summary And Review of What Women Want: The Global Market Turns Female Friendly by Paco Underhill

Executive Summary

PACO UNDERHILL, the author, reports on the growing importance of women in everybody's marketplace and what makes a package, product, space, or service "female friendly." Underhill offers a tour of the world's marketplace with insightful observations and practical applications to help everybody adapt to the new realities. As large numbers of women become steadily wealthier, more powerful, and more independent, their choices and preferences are transforming our commercial environment in a variety of important ways, from the cars we drive to the food we eat; from how we buy and furnish our homes to how we gamble, play, and use the Internet in short, how we spend our time and money. Underhill examines how a woman's role as homemaker has evolved into homeowner and what women look for in a home. How the home gym and home office are linked to the women's health movement and home-based businesses. Why the refrigerator has trumped the stove as the crucial appliance. How every major h otel chain in the world has redesigned rooms and services for the female business traveler. Why some malls, appealing to women, are succeeding while others fail. What women look for online and why some retail websites, like Amazon, attract women while other sites turn them off. Underhill explains that while men were busy doing other things, women were becoming a major social, cultural, and economic force. Women are wealthier, more powerful and more independent than ever.

Underhill explains that smart businesses are adapting to accommodate women a group that makes up more than half of their customers, in many cases. No business, he argues, can afford to ignore the power of women. No matter what the product in question cars, appliances, homes, hotels, restaurants, banks, homes, clothing retailers must focus on what women want. Businesses have already made changes to reflect womens desires.

Underhill believes those businesses that flourish will recognize the importance of womenin the marketplace. As our recent economic problems have shown, women have kept their jobs,while moremen have lost theirs in this recession. According to Underhill, "Approximately 70 percent of all American females work outside the home. Women dominate higher education we've changed the way people shop for groceries with the organic movement.

Underhill covers a great deal of ground in this book, from how hotels should be treating women, the changes in bathrooms and workout spaces to the dominance of women in social networking. With this book, it's essential to read the introduction, where he explains why he's writing this book. Traveling around the world, he sees "The expanded cultural, social, and economic influence of women." And, in every speech he delivers, he says, "We live in a world that is owned by men, designed by men, and managed by men - and yet we expect women to be active participants.

The Ten Things Managers Need to Know fromWhat Women Want

1.Todays female wants anything and everything to do with saving labor-shortening the time it takes to do with everything. For women starved for time, fast and easy does it.

2.Less is more for female shoppers, so the smaller and more focused a store is the more it will attract female shoppers. This enables them to get in and out in no time at all.

3.Density, and having everything available under one roof, becomes more attractive and alluring to customers while shopping in retail stores.

4.The female of the species likes and appreciates, or you might even say she demands, clean. For the majority of the worlds females, Am I in a clean environment? Is a vibe they pick up about every room in their retail establishment, every dressing room they try on clothing, every restaurant they dine in, every hotel room they sleep in, every health club they join, and every bathroom they enter.

5.Consider the difference between a DESIGNER LABEL IN BIG CAPITAL LETTERS versus a sign reading, This is where all the little black dresses are. The second option will always win with females because its clear and to the point. A typical female doesnt identify with a single designer. Shes just looking for a dress she likes that fits her.

6.There is a direct correlation between the success of a store and the number of female employees working on the floor. This issue is particularly evident because women trust women more and feel females are less likely to sell them something just for the sales commission.

7.Females are conscious of their own personal security in ways males really cant fathom, whether its the lighting levels in the lobby, the burned out bulb in the parking lot, or a hotel window that isnt locked. Safety may or may not be a design function, say, of a retail environment or a hotel, but the females desire to know that shes safe and sound does fit neatly into her needs.

8. While examining hotel rooms, the most important aspect females look for while traveling are the amenities they have to offer.

9.When designing websites appealing to females, they must have some entertainment value, purpose for being there, time and errand saving, and colors and interesting shapes also go a long way.

10. When designing stores, females will always go for a prototype store directly targeted for them. This entails an actual classroom space, a worktable, and chairs. The notion behind this is for females to be taught how to use technology.

Full Summary of What Women Want


Underhill starts his introduction with his famous quote, We live in a world that is owned by men, designed by men, and managed by men-and yet we expect women to be active participants in it. He asks what makes a package, product, space, design, or service female-friendly? In 2005, for the first time in history, young women under the age of thirty in the largest American cities overtook men in earning power. In New York City, for every guy pulling in a median salary of $30,560, an equivalent female was banking $35,653. This was the highest wages in the south. The increase in female earning power now parallels employment figures around the globe.

One of the things he found fascinating about traveling overseas is observing how gender differences show up in various countries. For instance, Brazil, the unemployment rates for men are much higher than they are for women. He observed, the more highly educated you are, the better chance you have of being successfully employed in a well paying job. Currently, 140 women are awarded bachelor degrees for every 100 in the United States. The number of females that have graduated has rose and have outpaced the number of male participants in secondary institutions.

He points out that women are making headway in their careers because of babies. After graduating women are in no hurry to pair up and settle down, which gives them time, space, momentum, and luxury to pursue a professional track and make good money. Women go above and beyond the natural occurrences of birth with things such as birth control and biology to manipulate when to we children. Women are almost in control of every aspect of life.

He also states that Cleanliness is a world that registers with women instantaneously. Issues of cleanliness play a natural, crucial role in female hygiene, child bearing, as well as in the acquisition and preparation of food. If men did the cleanliness habits of women daily, they would appreciate the level of cleanliness that most females live with and expect every day of their lives. Bottom line cleanliness matter to women most of all. Secondly, Control is a huge aspect of a womens life, as all men already know. For example, she has to drive, controls the heat and cool, plan trips, etc. Third, Safety is another big issue with women. Females are conscious of their own personal security in way most males really cant fathom. Lastly, Considerateness is a huge issue. This doesnt entail politeness, but about issues involving weight. At the end of the introduction, Underhill explains he is not a expert on gender issues but is only pointing out that, while men are busy doing other things, women are becoming a major, social, cultural, and economic force in the world.

Chapter 1: Housequake

When we were children our homes consist of two or three welcome steps, a door mat, floral wall paper, worn carpeting, and dads oversized recliner. We remember when the dining room was used just for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner or the occasional grandmother visit. The kitchen sat at the back of the house, the stove had gray hard coils, the counters were an ugly marshmallow color, and you couldnt even see where or how the fridge opened. Sure it was cramped, but it was home.

In todays marketplace, a house like that would probably not sell without being fixed up. Although the American house hasnt altered its basic design since the 1950s the homes are now readjusted to accommodate certain cultural and demographic realities. Nowadays home buyers are willing to giving up square footage in exchange for a house containing things they really use or in the location they really want. As the nuclear family gets smaller, we are now seeing multiple generations all living under one roof, grandkids in one wing, and grandparents in another. With more children living under one roof and living at home, having had a taste of the real world is making them want the security of their child home back again.

Chapter 2: Dont Phunk with my Heart

Chapter two starts out by talking about two decades ago when women might not have known kitchen stores existed. Today, a middle-class woman from the middle of the country not only knows about Williams-Sonoma, but has access to the latest bathroom and kitchen designs and fashions thanks to the Internet, magazines, and cable television.

Today for the contemporary female the kitchen is a place where she can wander among a showroom of gadgets, fixtures, and appliances. The kitchen most of us grew up in consist rooms where we grabbed a snack, ate, or packed a lunch. Now the 20th century would be considered the golden age of the kitchen. Goodbye garbage can; hello, trash disposal. Farewell oven; hello, microwave. And that was just the beginning.

The refrigerator has trumped the stove as the kitchens seminal appliance. Mom, Dad, and the children find their way to the fridge before any one even thinks about the stove. After the refrigerator comes the microwave. Things such as microwavable veggies, prewashed salads, and ready to eat meals have made the kitchen seem more over designed and less used than ever. In America we have seen more kitchen plans, such as kitchen that blend into dens or sprawling rooms simultaneously. Todays kitchens are all made and designed for saving time and labor. Everything seems to all be a short cut.

Chapter 3: Let Us Spray

For todays frazzled female, its the ultimate inner sanctum; the luxury day spa, minus the attendants, the hiking trails, or any obligation to tip the staff. If she has children, its the one space in her house where she can be truly glorious alone and private. Best of all the bathroom has shed its historical associations as a vaguely shameful destination that no women wanted to be observed visiting. Thanks to women, the bathroom has come a long way from its humble origins.

The present day master bathrooms have become a space where fantasy, luxury, and self regard collude in a mist of steam, fragrance, and candlelight. The bathroom is now a transition from the bathroom as a utilitarian fixture to an oasis of self renewal. Not long ago, most bathrooms lacked electrical appliances.

The fact is females have elevated not just the contemporary kitchen, but the bathroom, into places that both recognize and salute their status. Todays bathrooms are driven by the notes and touches installed by hotel and restaurant designers and architects. For instance in Hong Kong, men urinate against a glass wall overlooking the city. The bare minimum for todays high end bathroom is a spa tub of some kind which is more popular than the bathroom.

Chapter 4: Nice Work If You Can Get It

Chapter four looks at the home office. When we were young the office was a boxy, airless place, crowded with extraneous of mom and dad stuff. Clumsy gray file cabinets that had fallen apart still lie on the floor, a Singer sewing machine, or maybe a record player. In 2005, the office topped the homeowners requests as part of the design of their homes. The home office was now an element of the American home.

Whether the female of the house has a full or part time job, the home office and the computer also function as a place where the contemporary woman can surf the Internet. Underhill did some research on what makes a website appealing to females. For one, it has to have some entertainment value. It should also acknowledge what the purpose of being there is in the first place. From the standpoint of web design ongoing maintenance goes a long way. Another element common the female friendly user is the creation of the environment. Another element has to do with time-and-errand saving.

Chapter 5: We Can Work It Out

Now Chapter 5 leads us to the athletic club, not to work out, just to observe. Fortunately for both genders, the contemporary gym has become all about multitasking. Not only is there an overhead TV throughout, but the most desirable treadmills have small television screens built right into them. Attired with headphones, you can jog in place while watching Regis and Kelly. You can also use the stair master while listening to your iPod. Maybe the athletic club brought in all this gadgetry when it realized it had a serious competitor, the female, in the gym. This is because many females have devoted a room in their house to wellness.

Women fulfill a multitude of roles across all societies. After all, a great many people depend on her. The concept of a woman taking ninety minutes to tend to herself is a far more natural assumption than it is for a man. Men and women with high levels of education are far more likely to participate in sports or any kind of recreation. For women, the home gym has everything to do with being present, available, and in control while simultaneously doing something beneficial for them. The invention of the single or double jogging stroller where a new mother can get in her miles while the baby reclines and sleeps probably kicked off this trend.

Again, we have entered an era where females have embraced exercise. Recognizing this, more and more athletic clubs have accommodated themselves to the needs of time starved females, which promises and ninety minute workout in a thirty minute time frame. That said, if a female has her own home workout room, and the desire and money to hire a personal trainer its far easier to maintain a personal relationship in her own home than at a gym. A home gym is all about dedication to an idea, rather than a woman has to conform the issue of dedication itself. Whether or not a female opts to create a room of her own, the home exercise nook is one created with her mind.

Chapter 6: To Love, Honor, and Maintain

Chapter six moves to laboring saving devices and thanks to women the maintence of the house has gotten a whole lot more mechanical. From Julia Child to Martha Stewart, the past several decades have exposed American females to a guilt inducting gallery of we can do it, so can you? superwoman. Just as the birth of the department store in the 1860s exposed a typical middle class person to a selection of goods and services she could aspire to.

Chapter 7: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Chapter seven directs us to the hotel experience for women. Shes thirsty, tired, and for the past several hours shes been fantasizing about those crisp, white sheets await her once her plane touched down. What men and women look for in a hotel experience is a traveling snapshot of what men and women care about in their everyday lives. The only thing males notice about the hair dryer in the hotel bathroom are the aeronautics involved on how the designer got the dryer to mount to the wall. Women on the other hand, would notice the brand, voltage, and also how far the cord extends. She will also note the cleanliness of the room, lighting, temperature, color, flooring, and size. It goes to how firm the pillows are and whether or not she feels safe, emotionally, physically, and psychologically. Women notice this stuff. And many hotels, at least the smart ones, have recognized the power of the female, and are responding. It is safe to say by 2010, every major hotel chain in the wo rld has rechoreographed hotels and hotel services with the single female traveler in mind.

Chapter 8: The Female, Unplugged

Next, we are informed about the female in electronic store, Best Buy. A survey published said that nearly half of all electronic purchases in the United States are made by female shoppers. At the same time, they found women shy away from electronic stores where there is too much stuff to choose from, theres not enough personalized service, even if she manages to hunt down an employee knowledgeable enough to help her. So instead of physically shopping in Best Buy, many females go online instead. In the mall setting, we also noticed the direct correlation between have in increased about of female workers on the floor since there are mostly female shoppers in malls. This also works with men as they are always charmed by a lovely female face. This is because women trust women more. In Chicago Best Buy opened a female friendly store that showed women how to use every electronic in the store. This prompted them to buy more electronics because they were aware of how they worked.

Chapter 9: Women and Sin

In Chapter 9 Underhill looks at the escaping female and explores four stops along the way. The first stop is the American Casino. The casino industry was originally started by men but now a healthy chunk of the industry today is made up of females. Slot machines have become among the female friendly lures of the themed slot machines such as gilligans Island and I Dream of Jeannie. As the female has become the biggest money maker for the casino industry, the slot machine has become less about gambling and more about entertainment.

The business of exploiting the females precarious relationship with her and with her body and face is a multibillion dollar industry. Since 1997, there has been a 162 percent increase in the number of cosmetic procedures in the United States. Next, teeth whitening have also increased and so has the entire food and beverage industry has been influenced and increased by females. As mentioned earlier, the topic of cigarettes and women is in part linked to weight loss. Lastly, the female customer has also transformed the labels certain manufacturers affix to their wine bottles.

Chapter 10: The Empresss New Clothes

The next spot Underhill addresses is the department store and females interaction in it. The time squeezed contemporary female just doesnt have time to shop and gets lost in a department store and thats why the place is nearly empty. Needless to say, specialty stores are smaller and more focused. So in the twenty first century department stores are not closing they are just scaling back.

Chapter 11: Cmon a My Mall

A mall, largely driven by the female consumer, will someday become a complete solution for the contemporary woman. The female is looking for a safe form of escape which involves look at other people. Ideally, a mall should have some connection to the sky, a view out or upward, so her shopping experience isnt just inward. The modern mall needs to provide a far more comprehensive solution than it currently does. The mall has to allude to a place where a woman can get a key made, shoe repair, a plane ticket, and anything else that saves her time.

Chapter 12: Higher Ground

This next chapter talks about the marketplace or farmers market. Women have been the ones responsible for gathering food, preserving it, storing it and cooking it. Looking at it from a nutritional standpoint, women are still the domestic partners doing the majority of grocery shopping and household chores. The organic stuff is slightly more expensive than the sprinkler moistened produce ten yards away, but the market is obviously responding to the movement ignited by farmers markets and by associations females the desire to eat unsullied food, to invest locally in our farmers and tot fell as if we consumers have a personal stake in our cities and towns.

Chapter 13: Drugstores

Inside the modern day chain drugstore and he looks around to see how this place has adjusted itself to women, who make up more than 60 percent of a drugstores customer base. Drugstores are designed around he premise of the mission driven female as caregiver. Almost 65 percent of pharmacists coming out of pharmaceutical college are now female.

Chapter 14: See Me, Touch Me, Feel Me, Heal Me

From the beginning of time, women have been concerned with appearance. The definition of attractive in terms of body shape, may have morphed over time but the female focus on the face, the eyes, the lips, the skin tone, and fragrance crosses all geographical borders. Beauty has historically been a female art form, traditionally handed down from mother to daughter, sister to sister, or friend to friend.

Chapter 15: Almost Cut My Hair

This Chapter talks about females and hair. For the female under thirty, hair is a style and personality issue. Hairstyles are rewards, an end, and a beginning. Many women are known to cut their hair after a romantic break up. Our culture is more and more focused on natural, organic, and the environmentally conscientious. Roughly 60 percent of all adult American females have colored their hair in the past year. Ultimately a youth obsessed culture with an aging resisting baby boomer population many females fear the arrival of grays.

Chapter 16: Off the Wall

Chapter 16 talks about social networking including: Facebook and Twitter. Once female are on facebook, they are driven by creating and fostering relationships as opposed to transactions. Women facebookers tend to post their family photo albums, posts about their day to day lives, and even their pets.

The Video Lounge


This video is an interview with Paco Underhill and he talks about why women are the drivers in todays marketplace. He also mentions the psychology behind female marketing and why women are the dictators in the marketplace in the twenty first century.

Personal Insights

Why I think: What the author wrote is true in todays marketplace because although the world is primarily owned by men, designed by men, and managed by men we expect women to participate in it. Underhill reports on the growing importance of women in everybody's marketplace and what makes a package, product, space, or service "female friendly." As our recent economic problems have shown, women have kept their jobs,while moremen have lost theirs in this recession. Underhill offers a tour of the world's marketplace with insightful observations and practical applications to help everybody adapt to the new realities.

3.Lastly, I would have changed the way Underhill related topics to himself throughout the book.

3. Lastly, it made me think differently about why some things are designed the way they are and look to suit me, the female shopper.

1. Paying closer attention to detail and realizing why things are designed the way they are.

2. Opening my mind and eyes to the expanded cultural, social, and economic influence of women.

3. Realize that those businesses that flourish will recognize the importance of womenin the marketplace.

"What others have said about the book and its author?


Amazon [Customer Reviews]. (2010, July 20). Retrieved from /What-Women-Want-Marketplace-Friendly/dp/1416569952

Stevenson, Seth, Initials. (2010, July 14). Slate [Web log message]. Retrieved from /id/2260306/

Underhill, Paco, Initials. (2010). What women what the global market turns female friendly. New York: Simon & Schuster


Contact Info: To contact the author of this Summary and Review of What Women Want, please email Megan Malone at


David C. Wyld () is the Robert Maurin Professor of Management at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, Louisiana. He is a management consultant, researcher/writer, and executive educator. His blog, Wyld About Business, can be viewed at /. He also serves as the Director of the Reverse Auction Research Center (/), a hub of research and news in the expanding world of competitive bidding. Dr. Wyld also maintains compilations of works he has helped his students to turn into editorially-reviewed publications at the following sites:

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