Sunday, November 4, 2012

Find Other Property Owners to Buy Your Home - Finance

One of the best ways to sell a house quick is to find a real estate investor who buys and sells single-family houses only. I am an investor myself, and that's what I do, so this article includes some ideas about you can find someone in your area to buy your house, because finding a qualified buyer is your first big challenge.

When you're really motivated and don't have time to wait for your house to sell on the multiple listing service because that means getting an agent, and showings and maybe, eventually, offers, what can you do? How can you sell a house quick to a qualified buyer? Is there some trick to it? Is there anybody who actually knows how to do it?

When you need a quick sale, a great way to find a buyer is to simply drive around your neighborhood and look at For Rent signs. That's right, find For Rent signs and copy phone numbers and email addresses to contact later at home. I would discourage you from sitting your car to contact calls because you'll need certain information available when you're talking to potential buyers; you'll need information such as your mortgage loan pay-off, and how much equity or cash you personally need to receive at closing.

Basically, you need to do your financial calculations well in advance of conversations with any investors or other buyers. You may discover that the phone number is a real estate management company representing the property owner, and that the management company itself has no interest in acquiring more rental houses. But it surely can't hurt to ask if they ever buy houses, and if their clients happen to be buying additional properties as rental houses. These people may very well connect you with the people you need to know to sell a house quick.

The same investors who own rental houses in a certain area may choose to invest in additional houses in the same area, mostly out of convenience regarding maintenance. Researching ownership of rental property in your area is one of the most effective activities you can pursue to get your house sold to a qualified buyer. This little-known trick can boost you ahead of your competition in the area, and give you just the advantage you need to sell your house and move on with your life. Give it a try - you'll be talking to the same kind of people I call when I need to sell a house quick, too.

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