Friday, December 20, 2013

Home Remedies For Constipation

Constipation is a normal occurrence that everyone will experience at one time or another within their lifetime. The older we get, the higher the tendency to become constipated. The age of forty seems to be a benchmark. People in this age bracket usually have a robust schedule, and there is usually less time for them to eat well, and exercise.

The causes of constipation are many. There are a host of factors that contribute to what causes constipation. One of the most common is poor diet. A diet full of processed foods and few fiber sources is a recipe for constipation problems. A lack of water also contributes to constipation.

Before you begin treating constipation, you should consult your physician for a proper diagnosis. Treating constipation when it is just your body's natural cycle can actually cause you to begin suffering from constipation. If you visit your physician and get a diagnosis of constipation, you should discuss with your physician some constipation cures.

Constipation Home Remedy Tips

1.Drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bed helps in easy evacuation in the morning. In case of severe constipation, mix two teaspoons of castor oil in the milk.

2.Take 10 - 12 calimyma figs and stew them in two glasses of distilled water (16 oz) for 10 minutes. Let them sit in this water overnight.

3.Drink one liter of warm water and walk around for a few minutes immediately after waking up early in the morning.

4.Bael fruit works wonders in treating constipation. Consume the fruit everyday for about 2-3 months.

There are many constipation treatments available - from medications to natural treatments. In severe cases, your physician may recommend the use of laxatives for constipation relief. But in most cases, the physician will want you to relieve the constipation with natural treatments.

Hence, these fruits can play a key role in home remedies for constipation. It functions by cleaning and toning up the intestines. Regular and prolonged use of 2-3 months of time can ensure a significant degree of removal of accumulated faecal matter from intestines. While applying as home remedies for constipation, you should use it in its original form before your meal.

Medical meaning of constipation is "fewer than three bowel movements a week." usual bowel group pattern is one bowel movement for each day. A large amount of the people has between 3 and 21 bowel actions per day which is quite a usual situation.

Constipation is the inability to empty your bowel completely on a regular basis. Normally, the colon absorbs water from food and forms waste matter, or stool. It then moves it to the rectum where it stays until you have a bowel movement. Constipation occurs when the stool is too dry and/or the colon's muscles contract too slowly.

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