The economy is not going to get better any time soon. Job security means that you haven't been laid off today and don't ask for a pay increase because the laughter will haunt you for a lifetime. It's time to get your head straight and do some serious jobs home work.
You can't just create wealth out of thin air. The aim of your jobs home should be to develop a coherent plan; develop realistic aims and objectives; produce a workable skills inventory; identify the right opportunities; find a mentor or guide and finally create some monitoring and review processes that will enable you to get the most out of your efforts as efficiently as possible.
The biggest difference between those who have given up on their dreams of 'working from home' success and those who work 4 hours a day for a 6 figure income is that the achievers never gave up. They did their jobs home work, developed their blueprint for success and kept plugging away at it desp ite the set backs and obstacles. Don't give up and you could create an amazing lifestyle for you and your family, quit and you will definitely fail.
So what are the 5 essential steps completing the most important jobs home work you'll ever do.
Jobs Home Work Step 1: - Produce realistic aims and objectives.
The first step of your jobs home work is to produce a realistic set of aims and objectives. With this in mind it is worth some consideration first.
If you think you can 'get rich quick' or make 'easy money' think again. Those who have unrealistic expectations and are more or less guaranteed to fail because they've set themselves objectives which are more or less impossible to achieve.
Similarly if you think you can build your own successful business with little or no effort you will be disappointed. You need to accept that achieving your ultimate aim of a fa ntastic income in return for a wonderful 'work from home' lifestyle will only be reached by putting in the necessary time and effort. You can achieve all you want after you've perfected your marketing strategies and have learned all the techniques required.
Your ultimate aim will always be to achieve that fantastic lifestyle but you need to break that down into realistic, achievable objectives. Your path to success will be a process not one almighty leap. Your first aim should always be to do your jobs home work thoroughly. Furthermore you should set yourself a realistic time frame to achieve you next objective though this will depend upon the time you have available.
For example let us assume you work full time, have a family and only have a few hours each evening and at weekends to start building you new life. Your first objective may be to complete your jobs home work within a month. Therefore by the end of the month you will have r esearched thoroughly; identified your strengths and abilities; found opportunities; identified support and have an agreed monitoring and evaluation process.
By identifying the individual processes that you need to achieve your ultimate aim you will both be encouraged that you are succeeding at each stage (because your aims are realistic and achievable) and will see a clear path to your goal. You will, in turn, greatly increase you chances of ultimately achieving your goal because you will remain motivated and will be far less likely to give up.
Jobs Home Work Step 2: - Develop your skills inventory.
When you first start you jobs home work you have a lot to learn already and so it's important to reduce that required learning to an absolute minimum. In addition your first online business is far more likely to succeed if it is based upon that which you already know or understand.
It doesn't make sense at this stage to try to develop a horse training guide if you are a gas engineer from Detroit and know nothing about horse training. Similarly it's pointless trying to build an online store selling gas fitting supplies if you are a Horse Trainer. In both cases you would need to do an awful lot of research into a subject about which you know little. Therefore the objective of your jobs home work at this stage should be to identify your interests and existing knowledge base.
In the same way that you will find it easier to achieve initial success if you base your first online business upon something which you already know and understand you will also find it easier if you base it upon the skills you already have. For example, if you have an ability to write well then consider options based upon writing skills such as creating your own ebook or developing great content rich web pages. If, on the other hand, you are more technically min ded then consider building your business model around software development or web design.
However you should also consider that much of your online work can be outsourced. You may be brilliant at writing sales copy but useless at web design, therefore you could consider purchasing an instant site creator or turnkey website. Furthermore you could enter into joint ventures with web designers who are looking for copywriters. The point is that whatever your skills or knowledge it is vital that you base your initial online business upon your strengths and work towards improving your weaker skills eventually.
Jobs Home Work Step 3: - Research your opportunities.
Once you have completed steps 1 and 2 of your jobs home work you should have a realistic set of aims and objectives and a clear understanding of your skills and knowledge. Based upon these it is now time to start researching the online opportuniti es that best suit you. Don't be in a rush to complete this step. You need to choose wisely because little is more demoralising than spending months on a project only to realise that there's no real money in it. Always remain focused upon the bottom line. Put simply, any opportunity you look at must make money otherwise it's totally pointless.
Firstly you need to narrow your search down to match your skills inventory. If you know that you have a gift for sales then look at online selling opportunities such as online stores or a full time auction site operation. On the other hand if you have recognised that you possess skills as a writer then you should consider affiliate marketing or developing your own information product.
Look through search engines and directories for initial opportunities. Once you think you've found something read reviews of that method widely. Go to associated forums, social networks and bookmarking sites. Read a rticles and ask others who've already used the method how successful it has been for them. You should considerable if you have the necessary skills and knowledge required to make the most of the opportunity and, if not, do you want to spend the time needed to develop these skills first? Secondly, if you pursue this opportunity, based upon all your research and the experience of others, will it make you money? If so then move on to the next step of your jobs home work.
Jobs Home Work Step 4: - Find your guide.
During your research for step 3 of your jobs home work you will have read a lot of promotional advertising from online experts and so called 'gurus' . Unfortunately, most of these will be offering you unrealistic and useless advice aimed primarily at relieving your cash as quickly as possible. Especially beware of wild unsubstantiated claims of massive incomes for little or no effort. These are almost certainly co mpletely worthless.
However, you can find people who are offering substantial information and ongoing support (in effect courses) in the techniques required to succeed. For example if you are going to base your business model upon affiliate marketing the better 'online experts' will offer you a structured course of information which takes you through each and every step of the marketing process. They will not make wild or inflammatory claims but will rather offer clear evidence of the kind of earnings you can make if you successfully apply their techniques. Typically they will offer proof of how they have succeeded.
You may ask why you need an expert guide at all. The truth is you don't. All the techniques and strategies you need to succeed can be self taught through comprehensive and wide ranging research online. However it will take you considerable longer to get where you want to go if you do this all on your own. If you want to gen uinely change your life and that of your family for the better within a realistic time frame then it make so much more sense to make a modest investment in your future right now.
Jobs Home Work Step 5: - Set up your monitoring and evaluation process.
Having completed the first 4 steps of your jobs home work you will now have a realistic plan of how you are going to achieve real financial independence. You should have found the appropriate support to enable you to do so as efficiently as possible and will no doubt be eager to start. However before you do so it is essential you consider how you are going to measure your success along the way and what you are going to do when things go wrong.
Assuming you don't start earning $10,000 per month within the first four weeks (it has actually been done but is extremely rare) how are you going to measure your progress? This will depend largely upon the opport unity you have selected and advice of your mentor. For example you could say you want to see your first income of perhaps $100 per within the first four weeks and possibly $1000 per week within the first 4 months. Perhaps you aim for a 1000 URL clicks within your first month of article marketing or perhaps 1000 page visits to your auction site store. By monitoring these goals you will have a greater understanding of how you are progressing.
Whatever the jobs home work target the point is that you have a practical measurement by which to judge your efforts This will enable you to identify the processes that are doing well for you and those that aren't working. You can then focus your efforts upon your most most successful strategies and improve or reject those that don't work. Evaluation of your means you can create the most efficient and profitable online business possible. Even your failures can be turned into positives. Your income will soon start to ac cumulate, you will remain highly motivated, will be far more likely to achieve your ultimate aim and will be able to finally tell the boss that you've never thought their jokes were funny.
Good luck and don't forget preparation is all important so don't skip on your jobs home work.
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